About us

Who We Are

Dei Group International strives to be at the frontier of all the vibrant sectors of the economy and create the biggest positive impact on the community.

Our slogan ‘Moving Forward’ is more than a line that represents us, it is our way of life. As a consumer-driven business, Dei Group of Companies takes time to study the market and understand consumer needs and wants, as well as how best to satisfy them. That is why we constantly invest in innovating and renovating our brands to stay at par with dynamic consumer trends. This goes hand in hand with our Vision to be the most celebrated business in Africa.

As a brand, we are committed to generating and creating opportunities that will uplift, transform and enhance the lives of our consumers across the different industries, keeping in mind the changing needs and trends our era.

Our Mision

To deliver high quality yet affordable nutrition, health and technology products that make a difference to millions of families.

Our Vision

We are a market leader transforming millions of families through nutrition, health and technology innovations.

Our Values

  • We put end users first.
  • We strive for better.
  • We keep our word
  • We act fairly, ethically and openly in all we do
  • We are always striving towards high standards

Our Story

From a small mining company in 2006, Dei Group International has evolved into one of the largest private sector companies in Africa with unparalleled insight into several areas that affect society, including agriculture, technology, medicine and research.

Dei Group has since birthed the following subsidiaries:

  • Dei BioPharma Limited
  • Dei Industries International Limited
  • St. Angela Merici Hospital
  • Dei Pharmaceuticals Limited
  • Dei Minerals International Limited
  • Dei Farms International Limited

Its founder, Dr. Matthias Magoola, has continued to follow the entrepreneurial philosophy he had developed at a young age: find a real customer need and continuously innovating to address it.

Dei Group has grown into a company that employs more than 1,200 people directly and indirectly. We expect this to grow to more than 10,000 over the next five years after we commission our bio-pharmaceutical plant in Matugga this year.

Our Partners

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Dei Group International